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Thursday, December 29, 2011

7 Months since I BC'd! What have I been up to?

This photo was taken the 8th of may during my Big Chop! As I was cutting away, the voice of my Boy Friend was loud as ever. "No dark Caesars!". He was serious about it too. I transitioned for 5 months. I was trying to really remember when I decided to stop with the relaxers and it was shortly after my Brother in law's death which was November 3rd 2010. I had relaxed my hair about a week before his death, and after his funeral I had a heart to heart with myself. Why go on doing something when there really isn't a purpose? I've been relaxing my hair for years. Mechanically I was a slave every month. Like clockwork I would slap in some Motions, Dark and Lovely, Just for me, African pride... the list goes on. My hair would grow about an inch a year and then break off by 3 inches. People would ask me, "Did you cut your hair?". No, I didn't! It broke off into a damn style. Isn’t that something?

So in December 2010, I started to search about Natural Hair. Youtube was my go to. It became my best friend. There, I found two women that I watched faithfully. Nikkimae2003 and Naptural85. These two women kept me motivated along with my son. Once February 2011 came around I was seeing some growth. I gave myself until November 2011 to do my BC. I wanted some length. That didn't happen. I couldn’t take the two textures and after the 5 months, I didn’t see any point in holding on to straggly old ends.

So It’s been a year since I decided to remove the creamy crack from my life. My hair has been Natural for 7 months. Do I think I will ever go back to a relaxers? No! I did this not because it’s a fad but because my hair and scalp were so damaged from the chemicals. Does having Natural hair makes me any better than the next person? Heck no! It makes my head and scalp feel better. That’s about it!